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重组Anti-Bone Sialoprotein抗体[EPR23367-50] - BSA and Azide free (ab272320)
重组Anti-BCAS2抗体[EPR4375] - BSA and Azide free (ab247633)
重组Alexa Fluor® 647荧光Anti-Cytokeratin 7抗体[EPR1619Y] - Cytoskeleton Marker (ab192077)
人alpha-2 antiplasmin ELISA试剂盒(ab254502)
小鼠组织kallikrein ELISA试剂盒(ab233630)
人HDAC8 ELISA试剂盒(ab282872)
Anti-Coxiella burnetii Phase 2 IgG ELISA试剂盒(Q-Fever) (ab178639)
人IL-17C ELISA试剂盒(ab279410)
人CD18 ELISA (ab277459)
大鼠GPNMB ELISA试剂盒(ab270219)
人Chromogranin A抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (ab253320)
人JAM-A抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (Junctional Adhesion Molecule) (ab253466)
小鼠Galectin-3抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (ab241722)
人LOX1抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (ab241811)
人MIP-3 alpha抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (ab270396)
小鼠G-CSF抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (ab241682)
小鼠IGFBP1抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (ab253352)
人GAB1抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (ab253711)
小鼠GSDMD抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (ab244099)
人GOLPH2 ELISA试剂盒(ab277428)
小鼠GSK3 beta抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (ab243994)
人Transferrin抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (ab253565)
人WNT16抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (ab253684)
人ERBB2抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (ab253714)
Phosphotyrosine EGFR ELISA试剂盒(ab279773)
Phosphotyrosine STAT4 ELISA试剂盒(ab279942)
小鼠Amphiregulin抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (ab244028)
Daratumumab (Human) ELISA试剂盒(ab280327)
Phosphotyrosine FRK ELISA试剂盒(ab279803)
人TL1A ELISA试剂盒(ab204533)
Durvalumab (Human) ELISA试剂盒(ab280328)
Bovine FGF1 ELISA试剂盒(ab273195)
人TACE ELISA试剂盒(ADAM17) (ab113321)
mCherry抗体Pair - BSA and Azide free (ab243999)
Histone H3 (mono-methyl K9) Quantification试剂盒(Colorimetric,Circulating) (ab233498)
Sphingomyelinase Assay试剂盒(ab287874)
Canine GM-CSF ELISA试剂盒(ab273187)
Serine Protease Assay试剂盒(SR101-Leu-CMK) (ab270776)
Cell Migration/Chemotaxis Assay试剂盒(24-well,8 µm) (ab235694)
Hepatic Steatosis Assay试剂盒(ab284556)
Streptokinase Activity Assay试剂盒(Colorimetric) (ab273313)
Phenolic Compounds Assay试剂盒(Colorimetric) (ab273293)
Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase Activity Assay试剂盒(Fluorometric) (ab284571)
Phosphatidylglycerol Assay试剂盒(Fluorometric) (ab273288)
蛋白Nitration Assay试剂盒(Nitrotyrosine) (ab242294)
TEV Protease抑制剂Screening试剂盒(Fluorometric) (ab284516)
Cardiac reprogramming modulator set (DMSO Solution) (ab286245)
人SIRT6 knockout HeLa cell pellet (ab278827)
人DDIT4 (REDD-1) knockout HeLa cell pellet (ab279022)